L'otage du fleuve

In the heart of an equatorial forest, source of greed, the Whites exploit the resources by decimating the trees by the activity of a sawmill.Baku, Pygmy worker of the sawmill, accidentally falls into the river guarded by Wamba, the crocodile god, spirit of the forest. Selva, his 12-years-old son and his friend Gwen (10-years-old), daughter of the white sawmill owner, will live a fantastic epic in the heart of Nature to find the body of Baku. Selva must organize the traditional Pygmy funeral to free his soul. Selva knows Nature well, but children have to face traps and evil creatures in the deep forest - the opportunity for them to get on a real initiatory journey
Structure porteuse: 
MPM Films
Europe Créative
Financement obtenu: 
50 000 €