Marche International du Film Classique


The International Classic Film Market (MIFC) is the only professional and commercial event dedicated to the heritage film industry on a worldwide scale. At a time when international audiences are expressing a great craving for heritage cinema - thanks to increased offerings and the multiplicity of distribution channels - while at the same time, technologies, new image-consumption trends and the regulatory environment are undergoing major transformations, the MIFC has made it its mission to unite, organise and inform the classic film sector at a European and international level. Once a year, during the Lumière festival, which celebrates classic cinema, the MIFC brings together professionals of the film industry for a four-day forum, in a specifically-designated place, offering thematic editorial debates in direct contact with the latest legal, technical, political and economic industry news, relevant data, case studies, screenings, convivial B-to-B workspaces, and friendly events that encourage closer collaboration. The MIFC, facilitator of encounters and cultivator of projects, aims to develop business opportunities (selling rights, distribution agreements or technical services), foster innovative and exportable practices and help establish new dynamic and ethical economic models. Thanks to the MIFC, the European and international heritage film industry is structured, connected, well-informed, energised and valorised.

Structure porteuse: 
Institut Lumière
Europe Créative
Financement obtenu: 
85 000 €